Calling all Prospect Place/Court and Sunrise Avenuers!

This is an attempt to connect with people from long, long, ago. Perhaps the connection will last one simple paragraph, never to be heard from again, or reignite to last a lifetime. Who knows. I just think it would be fun to catch up with people that share so many fond memories from childhood and beyond. Some of us already do still keep in touch. While some might be content to keep the past in the past. Either way. Lets see what happens.

Steve O

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Old Pictures

Steve and Katherine

Our last visit to the WTC


StullyO said...


I look like Eraserhead!

I do enjoy seeing pictures i've never seen before, but that top picture can be sent right to the land of the lost.

Steve, dispite the weather, the company was good. We had a great time.Trust me, it only got AND company :)

Friedman Go Home said...

You look like Eraserhead as a ventriloguist. The rain is finally tapering off. Now we're at least getting some sun daily mixed in with it.

Friedman Go Home said...

Make that ventriloQuist.