Well, despite this, I'm giving it a second go-round and have joined Planet Fitness. Compared to Planet Fitness, the YMCA is the Ritz Carlton. This place is busy, kinetic, and slightly grungy. It reminds me Brooklyn. But when when Rocky got soft and needed to beat some ass on Clubber Lang, where did he go? Back to the hunger. So I'm gonna put on my weight gloves, lotion the shit out of my hands and push on through the pains. EYE OF THE TIGER!
I will not, however, be running on the beach in silk short shorts. I'll leave that to the experts.
On the plussiest of plus sides, cost to enroll was $1 and membership is $10 a month, so even if I'm sidelined for a week, I won't feel like I'm flushing money down the toilet.
Joyce has had eczema problems for years. Really bad case too.
I pay $60 a month at Bally's. Originally just to play racquetball with a friend. But he's been sidelined lately, and since i haven't gone in a month and half, this qualifies as a flush
I just got back. Did a mile on the treadmill, 3 miles on the bicycle thing, accumulated about 150 crunches (not all at once) and did some curls and presses. Sweat off about 2 liters. Left feeling only mildly sick. Everything still works and the shakedown cruise was a success. Got a slight case of rubber arm and that's a good thing.
I wear the protective gloves for my hands. They make me look like I should be standing on a bridge bouncing a handball.
Well, my mistake. I AM sore. A little anyway. Didn't stop me from going back a second time and hitting the weights again, though.
I pay zero, nada, zilch. The fire department is supposed to have a physical fitness program but since it is volunteer they cannot force anyone to exercise. So, they make a gym available. That is about $1000 a year in my pocket.
The Sunrise Avenue Strangler
And the rich get richer...
Today I am VERY sore!
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