Calling all Prospect Place/Court and Sunrise Avenuers!

This is an attempt to connect with people from long, long, ago. Perhaps the connection will last one simple paragraph, never to be heard from again, or reignite to last a lifetime. Who knows. I just think it would be fun to catch up with people that share so many fond memories from childhood and beyond. Some of us already do still keep in touch. While some might be content to keep the past in the past. Either way. Lets see what happens.

Steve O

Friday, May 15, 2009

LOST Finale

If you watch it, chime in. If you don't, abandon hope all ye who enter here....

Locke never came back. Like Ben said, dead is dead.

Clearly, the island is in the midst of a power struggle much older than Ben vs Widmore. Jacob and his reluctant companion, (listed as Man #2) possibly his brother (the name Esau has been bandied about, go look it up) have been at odds for centuries.

He's played by this guy, Titus Welliver, who had the most glorious handlebar moustache as the missing girl's grandfahthah in "Gone Baby Gone". I couldn't find a pic from the episode itself.

We see them discussing the merits of mankind as a ship, possibly the Black Rock itself, approaches the island. Their conversation ends with him saying "Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you?" The camera pulls back and shows them sitting in the shadow of the intact statue of Tawaret, the Egyptian god of fertility.

And "Esau" IS the smoke monster. For all of us wondering where the hell Smokie's been, well he can't be in two places at once, and he was busy impersonating Locke from the moment Ajira 316 crashed on the island. When Ben went to the temple to be judged, it didn't reveal itself until Ben became separated from Locke. Only then did it appear as Alex and tell Ben to do whatever Locke says (which evenutally turns out to be, KILL JACOB). With Ben thoroughly convinced, it disappeared back into the holes and conveniently Locke appeared from the floor above Ben, asking what happened.

This may be ret-conning, but when Mr Eko stared down the monster several seasons ago, images of his life as a vicious murderer appeared in the smoke.

He may have seemed like a good candidate to kill Jacob. When Eko stated he was no longer that man, he got squashed. Similarly, Locke stared down the monster the first time, and if the monster looked into his mind, he obviously saw a sad and gullable man searching for a purpose and easy to manipulate. Was this the writer's intent at the time, or just creative adjustments on the fly? We'll probably never know.

In the finale, they said Jacob's cabin had been abandoned for some time. Was the apparition of Jacob that said "help me" to Locke last season really Jacob or was it another impersonation?

Because, he sure seemed healthy and peaceful here. I'm willing to bet that the producers would not let such a glaring inconsistency hang out there like that, but we'll have to wait and see.

So not-Locke goads Ben into killing Jacob, who says and does nothing to stop him, and the evil (?) is unleashed and in control. Jacob's followers have arrived at the foot of the statue and a lopsided battle is likely to ensue. How do you fight that thing?

Of course, then we have the bomb. Jack picked a hell of a time to become a fanatical believer.

How big was the explosion and what was the result? Even if the plane does land in Los Angeles next January, and it has to now - otherwise all of our stars are dead, the story will not be over. But if it does land, that means anybody can show up next season, except for Christian, who was dead in the first place. It's going to be very interesting to see how it all plays out.



StullyO said...

All I know is Alison was kicked off last week, so i don't care who wins now.

Friedman Go Home said...

Not to mention Danny "I AM IRON MAN" Gokey

Bert F. said...

You guys are giving me a headache!

Lost Civil War Fort of The Carolinas said...

Is the premise of Lost the same as the premise of "Land of The Lost." I am curious if there will be some residual crossover interest, and whether that marketing concept enabled finsncing the new movie in the first place.

Friedman Go Home said...

DAD: But I used pictures....

DENNIS: I would say there are some surface commonalities, but LOST has no direct relationship with the current Will Ferrell film. Of course, as you say, the popularity of LOST, along with the nostalgia factor of "Land of the Lost" (worked with Star Trek) and Will Ferrell's box office history could all have been used to get the film greenlighted.