Calling all Prospect Place/Court and Sunrise Avenuers!

This is an attempt to connect with people from long, long, ago. Perhaps the connection will last one simple paragraph, never to be heard from again, or reignite to last a lifetime. Who knows. I just think it would be fun to catch up with people that share so many fond memories from childhood and beyond. Some of us already do still keep in touch. While some might be content to keep the past in the past. Either way. Lets see what happens.

Steve O

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back from China

Hello FOPP! I was in China last week- in Shenzhen to be exact. I flew from Raleigh to Atlanta to San Francisco to Hong Kong and then took a car across the border into Shenzhen. Quite a trip. Quite an adventure. I am still jet lagged and therefore writing this at 6:40 am, but I am gradually getting back on EST. It was an interesting experience. I went to a state dinner where this band was playing these upright sticks with three strings attached to some sort of amplifier at the bottom- they absolutely rocked out- and played, of all things- a theme song from a John Wayne movie. I am always interested in TV in foreign countries and China did not disappoint. Every night they had a series of movies from the US from the 1970s. One in particular- a show called "Kung Fu" but not with David Carradine, it was about this guy with a big afro who was on the olympic king fu team doing righteous deeds, fighting the mob- I had never seen it before. It was funny, they had NO budget, and even a cop car responding to a call was a small model- it was funny. LOts of bad guys flying through glass doors, glass windows, train windows- all very, very funny. There were no commercials, which made it even better. I only saw one commercial on TV the whole time I was there- it was for a mop. Very unusual. Anyway, Rock and roll is huge there, with people actually sporting the Elvis look (ah the king), and Mily Cyrus on TV non-stop singing "Party in the USA" how totally bizzare!!!!

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