Calling all Prospect Place/Court and Sunrise Avenuers!

This is an attempt to connect with people from long, long, ago. Perhaps the connection will last one simple paragraph, never to be heard from again, or reignite to last a lifetime. Who knows. I just think it would be fun to catch up with people that share so many fond memories from childhood and beyond. Some of us already do still keep in touch. While some might be content to keep the past in the past. Either way. Lets see what happens.

Steve O

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Paranormal Activity

I saw the movie "Paranormal Activity" last night and I liked it. My wife was terrified. I was not so much terrified, but was viewing it from a writer's point of view to see if I liked the script and I did. Some of the special effects were very, very good; one in particular, which kind of threw me as I could not tell how they did it on a 15,000 budget. I can see this movie making 100 Million easy- the theatre was crowded and there was a lot of scared people in the audience. This was of course magnified by someone banging on the outside of the exit door during the film, which freaked everybody out and made the whole experience more memorable. Short movie, no credits (?) at the end; and truly an exercise in building suspense. I would recommend it if you like scary stuff.

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